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Code of Conduct of RASCHIG GmbH

At Raschig GmbH, our business practices are shaped by a set of core ethical tenets and values, including:


  1. Personal responsibility
  2. Integrity
  3. Respect
  4. Justice
  5. Sustainability
  6. Transparency
  7. Social responsibility

Consequently, we actively engage in addressing broader societal and public issues.



1. Personal responsibility

Every individual within our organization bears the responsibility for their specific domain and must be willing to address any deficiencies. We hold our suppliers of raw materials and services to the same standard.

Responsible individuals are those who:

  • Acknowledge accountability for errors or issues within their area, even if they occurred unintentionally, and take necessary steps to rectify them.
  • Exercise discretion when accepting mandates, especially if conflicts of interest could arise due to compelling reasons.

Furthermore, acting in good faith also entails liability for damages, regardless of whether they were foreseeable or intentional.


2. Integrity

Individuals should adhere to moral obligations based on their own understanding and conscience.


Those who embody integrity:

  • Refrain from engaging in illegal or questionable practices, such as corruption, to gain an unfair advantage.
  • Courageously uphold their convictions, even when expressing uncomfortable truths.
  • Demonstrate reliability, openness, trustworthiness, and honesty.
  • Treat commitments and promises as binding and honor them.

Integrity also involves acknowledging the possibility of being mistaken on moral matters.


 3. Respect

It is essential to acknowledge and honor every individual’s right to self-determination and equal treatment.

Respect is exemplified by those who:

  • Refrain from discriminatory behavior based on gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disability, or similar factors.
  • Ensure customers’ freedom of choice by providing accurate information and maintaining a transparent brand image.
  • Communicate honestly and comprehensively with employees about the company’s status and internal processes.
  • Balance the interests of both employers and employees through well-regulated agreements.
  • Fairly compensate employees, adhering to national wage regulations (such as minimum wage agreements) and providing suitable social amenities.
  • Create a workplace that aligns with national occupational health and safety regulations.
  • Handle personal data in accordance with national and international legislation, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Listen to diverse opinions, concerns, and objections without bias and incorporate them appropriately into the overall decision-making process.

In this context, Raschig GmbH has proactively implemented the provisions outlined in the Whistleblower Protection Act.”

In contexts characterized by unequal power dynamics, mere respect may fall short. A sense of attentiveness becomes crucial. This attentiveness encompasses a commitment to safeguarding the future welfare of others. Such vigilance is particularly essential during impending layoffs, and whenever feasible, comprehensive social support systems are put in place to mitigate the multifaceted impact—be it social, psychological, or financial.


4. Justice

In matters of distributing goods, burdens, and compensating damages, it is essential to adhere to criteria that withstand objective scrutiny and can be justified universally. When allocating contracts, positions, or privileges and determining compensation, a transparent process with clear and justifiable criteria should be employed. Any self-serving appeals that lack a basis in justice are impermissible.


5. Sustainability

In the realm of business development and processes, it is imperative to ensure that natural resources are not depleted, and their sustainable use is safeguarded for the long term.


Those who embrace sustainability:

  • Base their decisions on promoting the long-term quality of life for all stakeholders.
  • Organize international economic relations to benefit all parties over the long haul.
  • Invest in environmental initiatives that yield maximum long-term ecological benefits.

Furthermore, sustainability entails a responsibility toward future generations. Ensuring their freedom of choice in shaping their own lives is paramount.


6. Transparency

Honest and open communication is just as important as the willingness to guarantee access to all relevant information.

Acting transparently means:

  • Disclosing conflicts of interest
  • Explaining information constraints
  • Equal information flow, e.g. inform stakeholders just as correctly as the decision-makers
  • Early disclosure of errors and challenges
  • Balancing transparency and privacy.

7. Social responsibility

A conscientious company demonstrates its commitment to

  • Shared responsibility by actively endorsing socially necessary initiatives
  • Promoting public well-being
  • Adhering to tax regulations without resorting to unfair practices
  • Ensuring product and transport safety through rigorous quality controls and safety data sheets
  • Empowering employees to engage meaningfully in community endeavors.

It is essential for us to ensure the principles of sustainable development in our supply chain. You, as our valued business partner, can recognize the principles stated in our Code of Conduct or demonstrate your commitment to these principles through your own Code of Conduct or through your own company policy that includes these standards.